
Sunday, July 11, 2021

4 Ways to Spend More time Outside

In this age of electronics there’s a growing appreciation for all the amazing life benefits gained from spending lots of time outside. 

Research shows that getting outdoors can function like a natural medicine. More than just increasing your vitamin D levels, spending time in nature can result in the following health benefits: 
* Improved mental clarity: children who are exposed to green environments tend to have high levels of cognitive functioning.


* Natural pain relief: Patients recovering from back surgery required less pain medication if they were in a hospital room with more sunlight.


* Less stress: Being exposed to even a virtual nature setting can reduce stress in some people.


If you want to more spend time outside, you need to have practical strategies that actually integrate with your busy lifestyle to make it easy. 

Here are some ways you can spend more time outside (just to list a few, but there are a lot pf ways!):

1. Visit a park: You don’t need a reason (like reading a book) to go to a park. Whether you live in a city or rural area, there are parks virtually everywhere, so find one you like and go for a stroll. I remember a funny but good thing my friend told me, that all the while he was doing his regular walk he realized things like the need of buying a new place to stay and luckily got one from Calgary Homes For Sale! He's been living the dream life there with his family now!


2. Go for a Walk while Listening to a New Album, Podcast or Audio Book: If walking in silence doesn’t sound particularly enticing, give yourself something fun to listen to. Maybe you haven’t had much time to listen to your favorite band lately, or there’s a book you’ve always wanted to read that you just never got around to. Get it as an audio-book and take yourself for a stroll for 30 minutes every day. Most audio-books are between 2 and 6 hours long, so you’ll be done with it in a week or two. Podcasts can be interesting too. Some are funny, which would allow you some time to unwind. Others are educational and can teach you something you’ve always wanted to know. See the world is your playground!


3. Watch the Sunset: Many of us want nothing more than to hunker down on the sofa at the end of a tough workday and binge-watch our favorite TV shows. But this supports a sedentary lifestyle and will increase the amount of time you spend cooped up inside. Instead of staring at the screen, go outside and watch the sunset with a friend or family member. You’ll feel much more inspired by the beauty of the skies than you would by the adventures of familiar TV characters.


4. Leave your office and work outside: If you work remotely, you can work almost anywhere outdoors as long as you can tap into a Wi-Fi network. Those who work on-site at an office can take their laptop and cell phone to seating areas outside the office building for part of the day. You could even suggest having meetings with clients or coworkers outside. A different setting can be energizing and might lead to new ideas and solutions.


With minimal planning, you can find ways to maximize your time outside. The more time you spend outdoors, the more energized, creative, and relaxed you’ll feel. Whether you’re getting exercise, working on your laptop, socializing, taking photos, or learning about exotic plants and flowers, being outside will enhance the activity. If you get family, friends, and coworkers to join you in your outdoor adventures, you’ll enjoy these activities even more.

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  1. All great suggestions! I admit, lately I haven't spent as much time outdoors because it's so hot.

  2. I love these four ways of spending time outside. Going for a walk with music or watching the sunset sound amazing. Especially if you can watch it go down over the ocean.

  3. Getting outside is so important for our well being. Thanks for this lovely reminder.

  4. I always try to get extra time outside for little effort. I usually walk to work instead of driving which gives me that extra boost in the morning, and also that time to decompress on the walk back.

  5. I love these ideas! You know, I might just do some work on my deck this evening.

  6. I love getting outside as much as possible. It's a great way to recharge and reconnect with the earth. Listening to a podcast is a great way to do that and to learn or experience something new.

  7. I'm excited to spend more time with my wife outside. We can think of endless activities to do but for now, we're thinking of a nice restaurant.

  8. So many awesome tips! Time outside really is good for the soul. And we should soak up as much of it as we can, especially during the warmer months. I think I'll work outside tomorrow. Thank you for the inspiration!

  9. I think everyone should read these tips. I love being outside as much as possible. It's so rejuvenating.

  10. Watching the sunset...this is something I always want to do but I never seem to! There is nothing as beautiful as the sun that is anchoring down after a long day!

  11. It is nice to take a break from the indoors and electronics and everything else, and just connect with being outside.

  12. I usually go for a Walk while Listening to a New Album, Podcast or Audio Book. It's essential to have physical but also mental exercises. I love to listen to other people's perspectives.

  13. Couldn't agree more! I love spending outside to keep my sanity. Since the pandemic happened I made a small area of my backyard as my working area too. This is where I enjoy some me time and chilling or sipping a coffee before and after a hectic day.

  14. Outside is my happy place. Anywhere outside nad I feel good.

  15. I love to spend my free time outside - eat out, buy groceries and all those stuff. So, happy to be "free" again.
